1. Integrated circuit boards for rechargeable (generally lithium batteries) protection
2. Discharge: large discharge current: 15A; instantaneous discharge current: 25A
3. Charging: voltage: 25.5V; current: 15A
4. Overcharge protection: detection voltage: about 4.28V; delay time: 0.1S; release voltage: about 4.08V
5. Over-discharge protection: detection voltage: 2.55V; detection delay: 0.1S; release voltage: about 2.9V
6. Over-current protection: detection voltage: 150mV; detection delay: 9MS; current: about 30A; release condition: disconnect the load
7. Short-circuit protection: protection condition: external load short-circuit; detection delay: 250uS; release condition: disconnect the negative open
8. Internal resistance: the internal resistance of the main circuit is less than or equal to 20 mOhm
9. Self-consumption: working current: less than or equal to 30uA; sleep current (when the battery is over-discharged): less than or equal to 10uA
10. Operating temperature range: -30/+80 degrees Celsius
11. Size: about 50 x 32 x 3mm
12. Weight: about 8g